Suggested Questions for Book Clubs:

Book Club Questions for The Trail




1.    What is the significance of each of the protagonists’ journeys? What does each hope to achieve by walking the trail?


2.    What role does forgiveness play in this book?


3.    Is Gil's guilt and his trauma from his dad's death an excuse for his shallow self-absorption?


4.    Is Syd being unfair to Gil by asking Gil to join him on this journey?


5.    Were you surprised that Syd was able to make the hike given his health?


6.    How does the novel explore the theme of masculinity?


7.    What is the significance of Gil's relationship with his father?


8.    What is the significance of the natural world in the novel? How does it affect Gil’s journey?


9.    How does the novel explore the themes of loss and grief? Did it stir any connections to events in your own life?


10.What is the significance of the ending of the novel? How do you imagine Gil’s future following his journey?


11.Discuss the theme of “transformation through nature,” have you had any similar experiences?


12.What did you learn from this book?